
Lecture notes and exercises for Computing Skills for Biologists --- Winter 2019

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Possible solution to warmup problem Week 6 (Parse)


import re # regular expressions
import csv # manipulate csv files
import os # interface with operating system
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # HTML parser
import sys

def process_file(fname):
    # this shows how simple it is to parse html (xml, json, etc.) files
    # by using the appropriate module
    print('processing', fname)
    with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
            html = f.read().decode('UTF8')
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
    results = []
    papers = soup.findAll("div", {"class": "highwire-article-citation highwire-citation-type-highwire-article tooltip-enable"})
    for paper in papers:
        title = paper.attrs['title']
        date, paperid = re.findall(r'/early/(\d{4}/\d+/\d+)/(\d+)', paper.attrs['data-apath'])[0]
        last_names = paper.findAll("span", {"class": "nlm-surname"})
        num_authors = len(last_names)      
        results.append([str(paperid), str(date), str(num_authors), str(title)])
    return results

my_category = 'ecology'
# open csv file...
with open('bioRXiv.csv', 'w') as fo:
    writer = csv.writer(fo)
    # and write header
    writer.writerow(['category', 'paperid', 'date', 'num_authors', 'title'])
    # process each file
    all_files = os.listdir('data/' + my_category)
    for f in all_files:
        res = process_file('data/' + my_category + '/' + f)
        for r in res:
            writer.writerow([my_category] + r)

# If run from command line, launch category 
# stored in first argument
if __name__ == "__main__":