
Lecture notes and exercises for Computing Skills for Biologists --- Winter 2019

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Summary of Chapter 10

  • When you have much data, it is convenient to organize them in a relational database.
  • You save space (better encoding of common data types).
  • You can have multiple users query/modify the data at the same time.
  • You have added security.
  • You don’t need to store the data locally.


Most modern relational databases implement a Structured Query Language (with many dialects) allowing you to port your queries across platforms.

Building the database

I have rearranged the data from week 9 in a format that can be imported into the database directly, and saved it into week10/data. Take a look at the .csv files:

head all_institutions.csv
head all_edges.csv

Now we’re going to launch sqlite3 and build the database one step at a time. Then, I’ll show you how to build it using a script

$ sqlite3 # or wherever your program is
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .import all_edges.csv edges

This command has created a table called edges. See that it worked:

sqlite> .table
sqlite> .schema
  "from_id" TEXT,
  "to_id" TEXT,
  "rank" TEXT,
  "gender" TEXT,
  "field" TEXT

Now the other table:

sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .import all_institutions.csv nodes
sqlite> .table
edges  nodes
sqlite> .schema
  "from_id" TEXT,
  "to_id" TEXT,
  "rank" TEXT,
  "gender" TEXT,
  "field" TEXT
  "id" TEXT,
  "institution" TEXT,
  "region" TEXT

Save and quit:

sqlite> .save hires.db
# Then press Ctrl + D to quit

If you save your commands in a script, you can run it automatically:

$ rm hires.db # delete file
$ cat build_db.sql 
.mode csv
.import all_edges.csv edges
.import all_institutions.csv nodes
$ sqlite3 hires.db < build_db.sql
$ ls

Simple queries

sqlite> .mode column # nicer appearence
sqlite> .header on
sqlite> SELECT * FROM nodes LIMIT 5;
id          institution                   region    
----------  ----------------------------  ----------
1           Abilene Christian University  South     
2           All others                    Earth     
3           American University, Washing  South     
4           Arizona State University      West      
5           Auburn University             South    

Unique regions:

sqlite> SELECT DISTINCT region FROM nodes;

Sort them alphabetically

sqlite> SELECT DISTINCT region FROM nodes ORDER BY region;

Names contain “University”

sqlite> SELECT institution FROM nodes
   ...> WHERE institution LIKE "%University%"
   ...> LIMIT 5;   


Count the number of hires by gender

sqlite> SELECT gender, COUNT(*) FROM edges GROUP BY gender;

Count the number of hires by rank

sqlite> SELECT rank, COUNT(*) FROM edges GROUP BY rank;

Count by gender and rank

sqlite> SELECT gender, rank, COUNT(*) FROM edges GROUP BY gender, rank;

Views and Joining

Create a view where we specify the region of the PhD institution

sqlite> CREATE VIEW regionphd AS 
        SELECT region AS from_reg, from_id, to_id 
        FROM nodes INNER JOIN edges ON nodes.id = edges.from_id;

Now you can use the view as a normal table:

sqlite> .table
sqlite> SELECT * FROM regionphd LIMIT 5;

Now join the view with nodes to get the region of the hiring institution:

sqlite> CREATE VIEW regionmove AS 
        SELECT region AS to_reg, from_id, to_id, from_reg
        FROM nodes INNER JOIN regionphd ON nodes.id = regionphd.to_id;

Create a table of flows from region to region:

SELECT from_reg, to_reg, COUNT(*) FROM regionmove GROUP BY from_reg, to_reg;


  • Build a query showing the top 10 institutions where UofC (id = 152) graduates end up working:
Solution SELECT to_id, institution, COUNT(*) as N FROM edges INNER JOIN nodes ON nodes.id = edges.to_id WHERE from_id == 152 GROUP BY to_id ORDER BY N DESC LIMIT 10;
  • Build a query showing the top 10 institution UofC faculty come from:
Solution SELECT from_id, institution, COUNT(*) as N FROM edges INNER JOIN nodes ON nodes.id = edges.from_id WHERE to_id == 152 GROUP BY from_id ORDER BY N DESC LIMIT 10;
  • Find the 10 institutions with the highest proportion of female professors. Repeat with males.

First, we create a view containing the number of faculty by gender:

Solution part 1 CREATE VIEW prof_gender AS SELECT to_id, institution, gender, COUNT(*) AS N FROM edges INNER JOIN nodes ON nodes.id = edges.to_id GROUP BY to_id, gender ORDER BY institution, gender;

Then, a view with the total number of profs:

Solution part 2 CREATE VIEW prof AS SELECT to_id, institution, COUNT(*) AS N FROM edges INNER JOIN nodes ON nodes.id = edges.to_id GROUP BY to_id ORDER BY institution, gender;

Now a view that joins the two views and computes the proportion of female and males profs:

Solution part 3 CREATE VIEW prop_gender AS SELECT prof.institution, gender, prof.N AS Tot, prof_gender.N as G, CAST(prof_gender.N AS REAL)/prof.N AS Proportion FROM prof LEFT JOIN prof_gender ON prof.institution = prof_gender.institution;

Now we can build simple queries to answer the questions:

Solution part 4 SELECT * FROM prop_gender WHERE gender == "F" ORDER BY Proportion DESC LIMIT 10;